Jillian Barron

Jillian Barron has been with SEBRIS BUSTO JAMES since 1997 and is now Of Counsel to the firm.  She has assisted employers in developing effective, legally compliant employment policies and resolving emergent problems, and has assisted employees in reviewing and negotiating employment-related agreements.  She also successfully represented both employers and employees in trial and appellate courts, arbitrations, mediations, and administrative agency proceedings.  Jillian is currently focusing her practice on serving as a neutral workplace investigator, an arbitrator, a mediator, and a hearing officer for University of Washington faculty adjudications.  She is a member of the American Arbitration Association’s Panel of Employment Arbitrators and serves as an arbitrator for Washington State Superior Court cases subject to mandatory arbitration.  She is listed in The Best Lawyers in America, is rated AV by Martindale Hubbell, and has been named a “Super Lawyer” by Washington Law & Politics magazine.  Jillian also has received Avvo’s highest rating for attorneys.

Practice Focus

  • Conduct Workplace Investigations
  • Serve as Arbitrator, Mediator, and Hearing Officer for Employment-Related Disputes
  • Counsel on Employment Policies and Practices

Professional & Community Activities

Jillian has served as Co-Chair of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee of the Federal Bar Association for the Western District of Washington.  She has served as a mediator for community-based dispute resolution centers, the Seattle Federal Executive Board, and the City of Seattle, and continues to serve as a volunteer attorney at one of the King County Bar Association’s Neighborhood Legal Clinics.  She is a member of the Association of Workplace Investigators.  Jillian is a past member of the Executive Committee of the Washington State Bar Association’s Labor and Employment Law Section.  She previously served as Secretary and President of the Washington Defense Trial Lawyers and Chair of its Employment Law Section.

Educational & Work Background

Jillian attended Reed College and received a B.A. in Fine Arts from Alfred University.  She received her J.D. from Columbia University School of Law, where she was a Kent Scholar, a Stone Scholar, Head Articles Editor of the Journal of Transnational Law, and was awarded the Milton B. Conford prize for Jurisprudence.  Jillian also received a Master’s Degree in International Affairs from the Columbia School of International and Public Affairs.

Prior to joining SEBRIS BUSTO JAMES, Jillian was an associate at the Preston Thorgrimson firm (now K&L Gates), then served as a career law clerk for Judge Eldon B. Mahon of the U.S. District Court in Fort Worth, Texas.  Before attending law school, Jillian was a chef in several well-respected restaurants.


  • Speaker, “Recent Developments in Federal Labor and Employment Law”, Washington State Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Conference, November 30, 2018
  • Speaker, “Recent Developments in Federal Employment Law”, Washington State Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Conference, December 1, 2017
  • Speaker, “Recent Developments in Federal Employment Law”, Washington State Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Conference, November 18, 2016
  • Speaker, “Recent Developments in Federal Employment Law”, Washington State Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Conference, November 20, 2015
  • Speaker, “Recent Developments in Federal Labor and Employment Law”, Washington State Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Conference, November 21, 2014
  • Speaker, “Recent Developments in Federal Labor and Employment Law”, Washington State Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Conference, November 22, 2013
  • Speaker, “Recent Developments in Federal Labor and Employment Law”, Washington State Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Conference, November 30, 2012
  • Speaker, “Managing the Manager: Effective Policies and Workplace Expectations to Help Ensure Accountability,” City of Seattle, September 19, 2012
  • Speaker, “Recent Developments in Federal Labor and Employment Case Law”, Washington State Bar Association Eleventh Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference, October 10, 2011
  • Speaker, “In the Now: Recent Developments in GINA, Registered Domestic Partnerships, Disability Law, and Social Media,” Skagit Island Human Resource Management Association, September 8, 2011
  • Speaker, “Federal and State Disability and Related Leave Laws: A Survey of the New Landscape,” Washington State Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Bootcamp, July 7, 2011
  • Speaker, “The ADA and WLAD Amendments: A Survey of the ‘New’ Disability Landscape”, Washington State Bar Association 18th Annual Employment Law Institute, April 29, 2011
  • Speaker, “The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act and The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program’s Expanded Jurisdiction Over Health Care Providers,” Washington State Healthcare Human Resources Association Spring Conference, April 28, 2011
  • Speaker, “Recent Developments in Federal Employment Law”, Washington State Bar Association Tenth Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference, November 12, 2010
  • Speaker, “Noncompetition Agreements in Washington State” and “Wage and Hour Law Developments,” presentation to King County Judges, June 21, 2010
  • Speaker, “Thorny Issues in Wage and Hour Law: Developments and Conundrums”, Washington State Bar Association 17th Annual Employment Law Institute, April 30, 2010
  • Speaker, “Recent Developments in Federal Employment Law”, Washington State Bar Association Ninth Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference, November 6, 2009
  • Speaker, “Recent Changes to the ADA and FMLA and Their Impact on Employers”, American Constitution Society, Seattle University Chapter, January 26, 2009
  • Speaker, “Recent Developments in Federal Employment Law”, Washington State Bar Association Eighth Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference, November 12, 2008
  • Speaker, “New State Legislation Affecting the Employment Relationship”, Employment and Labor Law Section Meeting, Washington State Bar Association, July 5, 2007
  • Speaker, “Employment Discrimination—Legislative Changes, Evolving Issues”, presentation for King County Judges, June 2007
  • Speaker, “Avoiding High Jury Awards in Employment Law Cases: Lessons from Chuck E. Cheese’s”, 2005 Annual Convention, Washington Defense Trial Lawyers, July 28-31, 2005
  • Speaker, “The Beginning, Middle, and End of the Employment Relationship”, 2004 Home Association of Washington Annual Conference and Tradeshow, May 5-7, 2004
  • Speaker, “Hot Topics in Employment Law”, Washington Defense Trial Lawyers (WDTL) Practice Development Committee, March 4, 2004