Summary Judgment Granted

Jeff James and Tina Aiken, assisted by paralegal Tana Daugherty, obtained summary judgment for our client Confluence Health on July 3, 2018.  Plaintiff Wendy Willey, the former lab director for Confluence Health, resigned from her position in January 2017 following an investigation.  She later attempted to rescind her resignation after meeting with an attorney. She then sued Confluence Health, Wenatchee Valley Medical Group, and a pathologist, claiming wrongful discharge and tortious interference. After reviewing extensive written materials and conducting a hearing, Superior Court Judge McSeveny ruled that Ms. Willey had failed to present a triable issue and dismissed all claims. In addition, the court invited counsel for the defendants to schedule a hearing on their request for sanctions and attorney fees for having to defend a frivolous lawsuit.  On August 2, 2018, Ms. Willey and her attorney agreed to waive all further legal proceedings and appeals in exchange for defendants’ agreement to withdraw their pending motions for sanctions.