SBJ Attorneys Successfully Obtain Dismissals for Employers from City, State and Federal Human Rights Agencies

Ed Taylor, Laura Edwards and Brian Flock recently obtained a string of dismissals from the Seattle Office for Civil Rights (“SOCR”), the Washington State Human Rights Commission (the “HRC”) and the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (the “EEOC”) in three separate matters.

Brian and Ed obtained dismissal of an employee charge of age and sexual orientation discrimination from SOCR, following submission of a position statement and lengthy witness interviews in which Brian appeared and represented the employer and its employees. Documents obtained from SOCR indicate that the claimant withdrew her charge after the assigned investigator signaled that a no-cause finding might be forthcoming.

Laura and Ed similarly obtained a dismissal of a race discrimination claims from the HRC, following submission of a position statement by the employer. The claimant alleged that the employer had terminated her due to her race. The HRC dismissed the matter after the employer’s position statement showed that the employee was terminated for misconduct.

Finally, Brian and Ed also represented an employer in a claim before the EEOC in which the claimant alleged that the employer had not hired him due to his race. The EEOC dismissed the case after submission of the employer’s position statement because the claimant had, in fact, never formally applied for a position, and the employer agreed that if he did, it would consider his application.