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We keep you up-to-date with the latest happenings, insights, and accomplishments within our firm and the dynamic world of labor and employment law. From significant legal victories to thought-provoking articles and updates on industry trends, explore the latest information that showcases our dedication to excellence and our commitment to providing valuable resources for our clients and the community.

Victory x3

SBJ Shareholders Jeff James and Jennifer Parda-Aldrich have closed the book on a business tort case that began in the trial court in 2014 and ended in

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Recent Publications

CARES Act Loans for Union and Non-Union Mid-Sized and Non-Profit Employers: Beware the Fine Print

As we shared with you in our March 28th Note (“Congress Showers
Employers with Loan Programs, Tax Credits, and Other Incentives to Retain
Employees”), new loan programs under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security
Act (“CARES Act”) for mid-sized employers and non-profits come with significant strings attached
for those employers wishing to participate in these new loan programs.

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Is Your Employee “Essential” or Not?

As you have no doubt heard, Governor Jay Inslee issued a “Stay Home, Stay Healthy”
Order on March 23, 2020. The Order directed that Washington residents must remain in
their homes until at least April 8, 2020, unless they are engaging in an “essential activity.” […]

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COVID-19 Response Act Creates New Leave Obligations for Employers, Effective April 2

Late on Wednesday, March 18, President Trump signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.
The Act does many things to address the COVID-19 pandemic: among them are the creation of two important new leave obligations for most employers throughout the country. The Act also takes effect in just two weeks – on April 2, 2020 – leaving very little time for employers to begin taking steps to get compliant. […]

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COVID-19: What’s an Employer to Do?

If you have employees, you will eventually receive a question about what your company is doing to respond to COVID-19, popularly known as the “coronavirus.”

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has published guidance […]

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Bills, Bills Everywhere

2019 was an eventful year for the Washington legislature with respect to employment law matters. The Legislature enacted (and the Governor signed) important new laws on a range of subjects: pre-offer inquiries into wage or salary history, non-competition agreements, accommodating employees’ need to express breast milk, “panic buttons” for certain workers, and important amendments to the nascent Paid Family and Medical Leave law […]

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Washington’s New Overtime Rules for the New Decade

To be exempt from overtime pay, an employee must (1) perform certain defined job duties (“the duties test”) and (2) be paid a fixed salary that meets or exceeds the state or federal salary threshold (“the salary basis” test). Most Washington workers are covered […]

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Five Key Changes that Paid Family and Medical Leave Will Bring

On January 1, 2020, Washington will become the fifth state to implement a mandatory paid family and medical leave
program, joining California, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island. (Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Oregon have enacted similar laws, but they do not take effect until 2021 or later.) In Washington, the […]

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A Tale of Trucks and Apples: Some Clarity Comes to Washington’s Wage Laws

In Washington, wage and hour laws often impose technical and unforeseen obligations on employers. Long-term practices can become unlawful overnight with no warning. Happily, however, the Washington Supreme Court recently resolved a contested issue in employers’ favor. In Sampson v. Knight Transportation Inc. (September 5, 2019), the Court […]

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